
What is it:

Parasite is a small blog CMS written with PHP’s PEAR::DB.


  • Supports Paul Hixie’s pingback
  • HTML-safe highlighting, paginated search
  • Spell Checking (requires Aspell)
  • Text-file article upload (additional, not sole method)
  • ping
  • User-definable article templates (complete control over the look of your blog)
  • Permalinks
  • Nice URI’s for permalinks
  • Access-key’s for most UI features
  • Article previews
  • Optional entry titles
  • Two styles of RSS headlines
  • register_globals safe

My other blog is usually running the bleeding-edge version of Parasite, so you can see all of the reader-side features (like searching, etc) there.

I don’t have a demo of the admin interface, so you’ll have to settle for screenshots

Bug Reports/Feature Requests

 Don’t use this software. It’s old and full of holes.


Requires: A browser that supports cookies,
PHP 4.1+ (with magic_quotes_gpc turned ON)
MySQL or a PEAR::DB supported database
Spell checking requires Aspell

Current version: Parasite v1.0.2


Download and expand the tarball. Read the README file.

Known Bugs

Opera is not (and will not be) supported for anything other than reading a Parasite site. Parasite has only been tested with MySQL on Debian GNU/Linux, YMMV.



Version 1.0.1 –> 1.0.2 06/16/03

  • Removed MySQL specific AUTOINCREMENT (see UPGRADE)
  • main.php checks php.ini to see if the gzip handler is on.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the article deletion from working.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the article upload from working.
  • Included a check for PEAR::DB
  • Cleaned up errors when no articles are present.
  • Title strings are search highlighted now too.

Version 1.0 –> 1.0.1 05/22/03

  • Included the correct user.php
  • Included the correct editor.css-dist

Version 0.0 –> 1.0 05/10/03

  • Initial Release